
Why Is A Strong Core Important? 

When the word “core” is mentioned, the initial thought people will relate to are the “6-packs”, which can be commonly seen in fitness models and bodybuilders. Our core is the central part of our body which includes other abdominal muscles such as the obliques and transverse abdominal muscles, which are the deepest layer of our “core”, and our lower back, pelvis, and hips. 

Think of the core muscles as a centralised network that link our upper and lower body to synchronise while performing various physical tasks. Whether you are mopping the floor or swinging your golf club, these motions involve or originates from our core. They provide stability and balance through supporting our lower back and pelvis, to allow proper movement and posture, which will lead to better performance and prevent injuries or falls during sports or other activities. Here are several reasons why a strong core is important:

Everyday tasks: Be it bending down to put on your shoes or doing household chores, these are some of the mundane actions that requires our core muscles, and we might not even notice until they become challenging or painful. Core strength is essential to execute these movements in our everyday tasks effectively and efficiently.

Improvement of Posture: A strong core helps to achieve and maintain a more balanced alignment of our spine, which will help reduce postural imbalances and risk of injuries such as back and knee issues.

Reducing Risk of Injury: A strong core can help reduce risk of injury through providing support and stability to areas relating to lower back pain and knee pain, during physical activities.

Enhanced Stability and Balance: A strong core also helps achieve better stability and balance for our body during movements or activities that requires movement. Such as everyday walking, running or even playing sports. 

Better Athletic Performance: A strong and stable core helps to helps generate and transfer of force between our upper and lower body, enhancing performance during activities that require power and explosiveness, such as sprinting, weightlifting and throwing.

Improved Spinal Health: A strong core can also help prevent spinal related issues such as slipped disc and degenerative disc diseases through providing support and stability to the spine which helps reduce unnecessary strain and improve spinal alignment.


  1. McGill, S. M. (2010). Core training: evidence translating to better performance and injury prevention. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 32(3), 33-46.
  2. Willardson, J. M. (2007). Core stability training: applications to sports conditioning programs. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 21(3), 979-985.
  3. Akuthota, V., & Nadler, S. F. (2004). Core strengthening. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 85(3), S86-S92.